
In December of 1975, Bill and I got our first Labrador Retriever and named her "TERA".
She was our hunting dog and constant companion. The pond on our property was dug for "TERA"
to swim in and thus the kennel name "TERACROFT"
Shamrock Acres Browning Thor was my first show championship. The day Thor finished his championship he went Best of Breed, from the classes and went on to be awarded a Sporting Group 1 under noted Breeder judge George Bragaw. Thor went on to obtain his CD, TD, WC and WCX.
In the early 80's I became partners with Beverly Shavlik. To date we have finished 40+championships on our Labradors. We have also finished some Canadian championships, CD, JH,WC & CGC titles on our dogs.In 1985 we finished our first home bred champion. He went on to obtain his Canadian championship, his CD, WC & WCX.

Teracroft Kennels is located on a family farm in eastern North Carolina where we still actively breed
and show our Labradors. We also have a Sussex Spaniel, Brie, who just finished her championship
by going Winners Bitch at the Sussex Spaniel Club of America National Speciality. She is our
"official" puppy raiser.
Sally occasionally judges Labradors & Golden Retrievers at AKC licensed shows.
We are Lifetime members of the Labrador Retriever Club of America and honored to be a
Silver Level AKC Breeder of Merit.